SAP FI-AA Asset Impairment End User Guide

The document provides an end-user guide for asset impairment (revaluation) in the SAP Finance Asset Accounting (FI-AA) module. It covers the process of adjusting the book value of an asset when its recoverable amount differs from the current book value. The guide explains how to post an asset impairment, which can be an increase (increment) or decrease (decrement) in the asset’s value, to reflect its updated fair value.

Key sections covered in the document:

  1. Introduction to Asset Impairment (Revaluation) Process in SAP
  2. Prerequisites
    • Net Book Value of Assets to be Impaired
    • Recoverable Amounts of Those Assets
  3. Process Overview
  4. Business Processes Procedures for Asset Revaluation

The document focuses on the core process of revaluing an asset using the “Balance Sheet Revaluation” transaction (ABAW). It guides users through entering relevant transaction details, such as the document date, posting date, transaction type, and impairment amount. The guide includes step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and explanations for posting the revaluation and verifying the changes in the asset master data.

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