Introduction to ADT in Eclipse for ABAP Development: Intro Presentation

This document provides an overview of the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in the Eclipse integrated development environment and its integration with SAP HANA as a secondary database. It covers the key features and benefits of using ADT, the components of the Eclipse window, working with ABAP objects, connecting to ABAP back-end systems, and configuring multiple back-end systems. Additionally, it explores various features of the ABAP source code editor, such as code templates, bookmarks, syntax checking, and debugging. The document also touches upon the concept of using SAP HANA as a secondary database and establishing connections to additional database management systems (DBMS).

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ABAP on HANA: Intro Presentation with Code Examples

This document provides an in-depth overview of the ABAP programming language enhancements introduced in various support package releases of SAP NetWeaver 7.4, with a focus on leveraging the capabilities of the SAP HANA in-memory database. It covers new features and syntax changes that enable ABAP developers to write more expressive and efficient code, facilitating code pushdown to the database layer for improved performance. The document highlights the evolution of ABAP, starting from release 7.40 SP02 and progressing through SP05 and SP08, each introducing significant additions to the language’s repertoire. With the advent of SAP HANA, ABAP has undergone a paradigm shift, enabling developers to leverage the power of in-memory computing while adhering to the familiar ABAP syntax and programming model.

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Getting Started with ABAP Development in Eclipse: An Introductory Guide

The document provides a comprehensive guide for developers transitioning from ABAP Workbench to the ABAP in Eclipse development environment. It highlights the key differences between the two environments, new features in ABAP in Eclipse, and a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up and customizing the Eclipse workspace for ABAP development. The guide covers various aspects, including navigation tools, keyboard shortcuts, code assistance features, debugging, and project management with transport requests. Additionally, it introduces Core Data Services (CDS) and its integration with ABAP, providing insights into the source code structure and annotations.

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ABAP Data Dictionary Notes from Training Institute

Prepared by a training institute, this pdf document provides summary notes for main functions of ABAP Dictionary in the SAP system. The document covers following topics;

  • Database Tables
  • Domain
  • Data Types
  • Currency and Quantity Fields
  • Table Maintenance Generator
  • Primary and Foreign Key Relationship
  • Technical Properties of a Table
  • Structures
  • Predefined Types
  • Include and Append Structure
  • Search Help
  • Views
  • Lock Objects

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List of Match Functions in SAP ABAP

In SAP ABAP, many built-in math functions, listed below, are provided which can be used to develop advanced mathematical formulas. Functions Supported Numeric Types Description abs (All) “Calculates the absolute value of the provided argument.” sign (All) “Determines the sign of the provided argument. If the sign is positive, the function returns 1; if it’s …

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Object Oriented ABAP Programming Manual with SAP Netweaver

This document provides object-oriented programming concepts and development of Business Applications using ABAP Objects. After reading this document you will get knowledge to classes / inheritance / interfaces, polymorphism with inheritance and interfaces, Events, Exception handling and programs using ABAP Objects. Following content is covered in detail in this guide:

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Analysis and Design
  • Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance
  • Casting
  • Interfaces
  • Events
  • Global Classes and Interfaces
  • Programming Techniques
  • Exception Handling
  • Dynamic Programming

Object Oriented ABAP Programming Manual / Guide

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ABAP Fundamentals: Training Course Document

Supported with clear instructions and Q/A for given scenarios, this training guide will let you understand:

  • ABAP and the Development Workbench
  • The ABAP Workbench Tools
  • The ABAP Data Dictionary
  • Using ABAP, Workbench Tools, and ABAP Dictionary
  • Introducing Tables in ABAP
  • Creating Domains and Data Elements in ABAP
  • Creating ABAP Tables
  • Creating ABAP Domains, Data Elements, and Tables

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SAP HANA CE Functions List

Inside the SQL Script, SQL language and also highly optimized, equivalent Calculation Engine functions (CE Functions) can be used. CE functions are preferred to standard SQL firstly because they are a lot easier to work with, secondly because their use can be parallelized by the SAP HANA server.

In the following table you can find list of CE functions:

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ABAP on HANA: ADBC with Examples and HANA Modeling Views

ADBC is an API (application programming interface) for the Native SQL interface of the AS ABAP that is based on ABAP Objects. In the first part of this presentation following classes are covered with examples:

  • CL_SQL_STATEMENT – Execution of SQL Statements
  • CL_SQL_RESULT_SET – Result of the Execution

In the second part of presentation, HANA specific solutions are covered as listed below:

  • Basics of Modeling Views in HANA.
  • Attribute View, Analytical view, Calculation view.
  • Use of External views and Database procedure Proxies.
  • Simple HANA Database procedures
  • Use of ABAP to access views and Database procedures in HANA

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Naming Conventions in ABAP: Short Guide

A naming convention specifies the set of rules used to identify development objects. SAP plays a role in the setting of the rules insofar it enforces its own recommendations. (See the following the section called Customer Name Space ID). In the ABAP environment the non-reserved aspect of a custom repository object name (and the names of any custom internal components) are arbitrary. The overall responsibility for the enforcement of the naming conventions lies with the individual developers.

What is prescribed in the following sections ensures: (1) a distinction between SAP standard code, partner code, and customer code and (2) meaningful names for custom developed objects that promote ease-of-identification.

As part of the delivery process Code Inspector (Transaction code “SCII”) will be used to check whether programs adhere to naming conventions or not. (A Global Variant will be created called ‘SSC_DEFAULT’ to aid the developers.

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