CBP RUN User Manual in SAP: Purchase Order Generation Process and Key Configuration Steps

This document provides user guidelines for SAP functions related to material requirements planning (MRP), specifically for generating purchase requisitions and purchase orders based on minimum/maximum levels defined for product groups. The key SAP transactions and parameters are outlined.

Key Sections:

  1. MRP Run for Product Group (Min-Max)
    • Step-by-step instructions for executing transaction MD02 to generate purchase requisitions based on min/max planning.
  2. Display PRs Generated for Min-Max (ZVPR)
    • Overview of transaction ZVPR to display all purchase requisitions created from min/max MRP run.
  3. Assign Source of Supply to PR
    • Instructions for assigning vendors/sources of supply to purchase requisitions generated from MRP run.
  4. Create PO in Mass (ME59n)
    • Guidelines for using ME59n transaction to mass generate purchase orders from purchase requisitions, including relevant parameters like document type.

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